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Explore the Maidenhead Advertiser from 1870 and more than 200 years of the Windsor and Slough Express

Enjoy access to our archives with more than 800,000 digitised pages or subscribe to the weekly Maidenhead Advertiser epaper. Search for articles using keywords and dates, or by browsing individual editions. Built to work on any platform and any device, you can scroll through pages just as you would with the regular newspaper. Please note that due to the quality of some of our older editions a word search may not be possible.

From transport to technology, health and education, crime, royalty and politics, the archive contains everyday stories about people that will provide a fascinating insight into the past for anyone who has a link with East Berkshire and particularly those researching family history.

All you need to do to access hundreds of years of history is sign up for a monthly, quarterly or annual subscription. Just search the archive using the form below, select an edition to get started and follow the instructions on screen to sign up. It only takes a few minutes and a subscription also grants you unlimited access to the Maidenhead Advertiser, Slough Express and Windsor Express websites.

You can also subscribe or manage your existing subscription using the links at the top of the page.

Free access to the archive is available by request to schools, colleges and universities. Please email archives@baylismedia.co.uk for more information.

This unique learning tool is a fantastic way to explore East Berkshire's history during the Victorian and Edwardian eras and life during and after the two World Wars right up to the present day.

"This is a truly superb resource. It is an excellent site for all types of researchers and Historians and also for those individuals looking for specific information who are unable to visit Maidenhead Library to access their microfiche. I cannot recommend it highly enough and the subscription costs are extremely reasonable"
Mark Smith (Maidenhead United FC Club Historian)

Browse selected FREE editions

Please click and view on a selection of notable editions from the archives or read one of our current free publications. Clicking on an edition will take you through to a full digital version, where you can view every page, set bookmarks, search text and create clippings.

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Please leave keywords and phrases blank to view all editions in your date range
As a community paper it is important to us to support education and this archive is an invaluable historical resource. So, we would like to offer this service free of charge to local schools, colleges and charities. Please contact us by emailing archives@baylismedia.co.uk to request your free access.

Microfilm and microfiche were once the best option for storing and archiving newspapers. But now the internet offers economical working, security and instant access to data. Microfilm can now be converted to a PDF format to easily access the information it holds.

Creating the Advertiser and Express archive was a massive undertaking. More than 700 reels of microfilm and individual bound copies were scanned by Pearl Scan to produce in excess of 800,000 pages. Each page then had to be cropped, straightened and processed for character recognition to make this online searching tool possible. Each edition was carefully checked for missing pages and then sent to be converted into page-turning digital editions.

We would like to thank the Louis Baylis Charitable Trust for contributing £20,000 to help with digitising our archives and the co operation of the Maidenhead and Windsor libraries, and Slough library for the loan of missing microfilm.

But even with this tremendous effort some weeks and months could not be found in the archive or tracked down through alternative sources.

Unfortunately we have not been able to source some weeks and months in our archive of newspapers and microfilm or tracked down through alternative sources.

Please find below a list of the editions that are missing.

Maidenhead Advertiser

(Published since 1869)

  • 1869 - 1st edition available only
  • 1870 - January to March
  • 1871 - December 13th, 20th and 27th
  • 1873 – January to December
  • 1897 - October 27th, November and December
  • 1959 - June 26th
  • 1992 - April 3rd

Slough Express

(Published since 1958)

  • 1958 – July to December
  • 1960 – February19th
  • 1961 – July to December
  • 1964 – July 24th
  • 1967 – January 6th
  • 1970 – January to April
  • 1975 – All
  • 1976 – May to August
  • 1979 – July to December
  • 1980 – April
  • 1982 – January to April
  • 1983 – 1986 All
  • 1987 – January to August

Windsor Express

(Published since 1812)

  • 1820 - July 16th
  • 1821 - June 3rd, November 11th
  • 1823 - June 14th
  • 1828 - February 2nd
  • 1829 - June 13th
  • 1833 - September 14th
  • 1834 - July 5th
  • 1845 - October 11th
  • 1847 - March 13th, April 24th, June 5th, August 28th, November 13th, December 25th
  • 1848 - April 8th, May 6th, October 14th
  • 1849 - October 6th, November 17th
  • 1850 - February 9th
  • 1880 - November 20th
  • 1927 – January to June
  • 1958 – October to December
  • 1959 – 1969 All
  • 1970 – May to December
  • 1971 – 1981 All
  • 1982 – May to November
  • 1983 – 1984 All
  • 2004 – October to December